The Democrats are quietly showing signs that they intend to reject the Socialist Movement that has almost completely taken over their leadership, as well as having severely damaged their party and the nation.
Some are publicly rejecting it, and even going so far as to leave the party (#WalkAway), while most seem to be quietly thwarting the takeover through their support for Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s potential nominee. This is critical as he is seen as a traditional Democrat and not a part of the Socialist movement, in spite of his complicity with the Progressive phase of the Socialist Movement in the early 2000s, and current presidential platform.
Considering that he is clearly dealing with health issues that make him unlikely to get elected and unfit to hold public office, support for him as a candidate is a definitive stand in opposition to the takeover attempt. Support for a candidate like Joe Biden whose health would prevent him from being capable of performing his duties as President, rather than support an open Socialist like Bernie Sanders who is attempting to spark a revolution, is a profound statement.
“Support for a candidate like Joe a profound statement”
This choice to reject socialism, overtly or covertly, is imperative for the recovery and success of the Democratic Party, and the nation. We have all suffered substantially because of the anti-American policies that the Socialists have promoted, the irrational and ever-changing social standards that they demanded we all conform to, and the discord that they have purposely sewn in order to foment chaos and gain power. The Democrats seem to want to quietly address their problem rather than openly confronting it, even though it has been obvious to everyone outside of their party what has been going on.
The Beginning
It is hard to be too upset with those who were tricked into helping to elect Socialists who pretended to be Democrats. Typically, when presented with a Republican and a Democrat(ic) candidate we will choose candidates from our own party, as history tells us that they will agree with us more than the candidates from the other party. It is also very important to have a majority or the legislation that we want cannot pass and the legislation that we do not want cannot be killed.
In theory, a few bad apples holding office, in order to gain the majority, who will help our cause without doing too much damage, are worth it. That is, unless there are more of them than we know and the damage they do is greater than we anticipate.
From a Republican standpoint, it may have seemed obvious that Socialists were taking over, but it may not have seemed quite so obvious from the standpoint of the average Democrat, who has fewer objections to a stronger central government overall than Republicans, who may not have recognized the significant overreach, and who trusted their leaders. This is highly likely, particularly as the Democratic Party leadership took great pains to cover up their intent.
It is hard to say how much of this was known to the Democrats who went along with it early on. I do not think that most of them knew at the beginning. However, it did become clear fairly quickly and they still kept quiet and continued to support their party’s leadership.
The Seduction
To be fair, this has been a brilliant, subtle, and insidious takeover that demands respect for the skill and seduction behind it, but certainly not for the damage that it brought or horrors that this ideology always brings. Those behind the movement were wise to disguise their intentions by referring to their ideology as Progressive and simply rebranding the Democratic Party as opposed to forcing an open conversion to Socialism.
“They shrewdly promoted change through a figurehead no one wanted to attack”
They shrewdly promoted change through a figurehead no one wanted to attack, Barack Obama. He was virtually unknown, but he was a well-spoken intellectual, who went to good schools, who was half black and half white (embodying a bridge between the two), and who would be the first black president. This gave him an enormous advantage during his election, while in office, and was perhaps his most valuable asset during his entire presidential career.
He was promoted as a moderate who would bring the nation together and heal our historical wounds. Those who voted for him could feel that they had personally taken steps to put an end to racism in America. People who would never vote for a Democrat happily voted for him.
Most people ignored his concerning ties, likely ideological views, and mysterious past. They focused instead on his well-crafted speeches, the messaging of moderation and unity, and their ability to take effortless action to cleanse their souls of a feeling of complicity with the original sin of the U.S.
Every criticism of this figurehead was sidelined as racism and bigotry. He pretended to work with the Republicans to find compromises, but his version of compromise was total surrender. The Republicans never developed an effective strategy to combat the Socialist Movement and the nation was left vulnerable to a takeover. The only thing that prevented changes from being implemented more rapidly was their effort to keep the public from recognizing the depth of the changes they were making to prevent the People from rising up and standing in their way.
They took precautions to maintain a single unified message and to alleviate the concerns of the People using whatever means necessary to prevent open rebellion against the changes they were quickly implementing. They gave their legislation labels that misrepresented their goals, used social pressure to capitalize on the human need for acceptance, mounted an impressive misinformation campaign, and an aggressive public relations effort.
They carefully planned how to accomplish their goals without focusing on their desire to implement their policies directly. For example, they wanted government control of health care. Instead of taking the direct approach and forcing a government healthcare system on an unprepared public, they purchased the complicity of the healthcare industry, lied to the People, and simply took total control of the mechanisms of the private system without needing to replace it. Their legislation crippled the private system, which would inevitably lead to collapse, with the intention of swooping in to “save the day” by offering the only cure to the faulty capitalist system, that they had already replaced, with Socialized medicine under the less terrifying sounding name of single-payer.
Testing Their Power
The skillful strategy employed by the Socialist Movement was very effective. The enormity of the social power that they wielded became clear when they were able to change public opinion of was considered correct thinking not just from year to year, but from moment to moment.
Journalists, Hollywood stars, and corporations would make pubic proclamations or their conformity to the latest popular “morality.” With each moral posturing tweet, they branded themselves as witless sheep desperate to be accepted and to be seen to be moral leaders.
Those who wanted to be seen to be on the correct side would immediately parrot the latest views no matter how it changed or how ludicrous it became. It was painful to watch seemingly intelligent people abandon all reason and choose to become puppets dancing on the strings of their master.
Overplaying Their Hand
But the Socialists became arrogant, hurt too many people, and went way too far. Their hubris caused them to overreach to the point when they began to turn on their own. The rules that they established resulted in their supporters and allies pitting themselves against one another in an endless and unwinnable competition to gain power and prestige.
“Their hubris caused them to overreach”
Those who began to recognize how venomous and unlivable it really was, or who were hurt by their family, friends, and allies, woke up and realized how insane it had all become.
People from all the factions who were told how cruel and hateful Republicans were, began to actually talk to Republicans and realized the magnitude of the lies they had been told. While Republicans might not have agreed with them on every issue Republicans were not the monsters the world told them they were. Members of a variety of minority groups began to show up at Republican events and were welcomed with open arms.
The Path Forward
If the Democrats truly do not want to become Socialists, then the path forward is clear. They must replace as many Socialists who are holding office as Democrats, or open Socialists, as they can as quickly as they can. If they do not, then they will become the Socialist Party.
Trump is highly unlikely to lose in 2020, and Joe Biden is no well enough to hold office even if he could get elected. They should select Joe Biden as their nominee, ignore his race, and focus all their efforts on replacing the Socialists in federal, state, and local government, as well as those within their party’s infrastructure. They are going to have a difficult time forcing this change as they have elected so many politicians who are part of this movement or who have not had the courage or power to combat it.
They have also allowed the Socialists to establish such a firm grip over the establishment of the accepted rules of Society that it will be difficult to regain control of the ephemeral and unrestrainable monster that they have unwittingly unleashed on the nation. They will either have to take public stands en masse against it, find a way to remove its platform, or find another way to turn public support against it. The public will have to feel that they can oppose it without committing social and economic suicide.
Republicans will need to be sensitive to the plight of the Democrats who recognize what is happening and be supportive of their efforts to escape and undo this madness. Some Democrats may find that they want to become Republicans and some may want their party to return to what they believed it was, as it hopefully recovers.
Whatever the specifics of this path forward look like it is important to the nation that it be done. We cannot continue to function if we have two warring factions (Socialists vs. Americans) who share no goals whatsoever. We will need to work together to some degree to do this. We cannot just vote for people we like and overlook their beliefs.
Two Strong American Parties
It is important that we have two strong American political parties continually promoting the concerns that the other party needs to be reminded of so that we never veer too far off the path. Each side of the great American divide has valid points that the other too easily overlooks. The Republicans typically focus on the fiscal responsibility of government, keeping government streamlined, and emphasizing individual rights and freedoms. The Democrats typically focus on making sure that the government stays involved enough to keep individuals from being taken advantage of, making sure that the poor are not lost in the shuffle, and that the weak are protected from the strong. Both parties have significant value. I believe that America is strongest when we find compromises between these two groups, but it requires that we all share the same foundational beliefs. Right now, a portion of the nation has chosen to abandon America in favor of a brutal and destructive ideology that only fools and the power-hungry promote. We need to set aside some of our animosity towards the members of the opposing party and help each other through this difficult time. It is to our mutual benefit that we do this.